By Sophia Fineza
Image Source: IMDb
logline: Sarah tries to start anew in LA, but her neighbors are not what they seem.
Source: IMDb
i gotta admit, i’m not the biggest horror fan, but this movie was perfect for that! it’s not TOO intense, i mean there are some scenes that are a little ~aggressive~, but nothing too gory that they would keep you up at night. keeping this in mind, if you love animals, especially a nice, fat, fluffy kitty, you might wanna skip this one. like many ‘classic’ horror movies, there was some level of predictability to the plot and if you like horror movies, or even if you’ve SEEN a horror movie, you’re gonna be able to guess what’s gonna happen. so this kind of disappointed me :( i was so ready for the “horror movie plot twist”, but i NEVER GOT ONE!! also, the ending?? it left me wanting a bit more. that said, 1BR does a really good job of this making the ride enjoyable for any level of horror fan. it was engaging all the way through, and i will be looking out for more of filmmaker David Marmor’s work after watching. if there is a sequel of sarah fighting of all the cult-ified people as she escapes the evil clutches of Los Angeles (accurate description, for you non-Los Angelinos), I would 100% watch. guys, give us the action sequel! but definitely check out 1BR - it deserves an audience. the movie took home the best feature film at the fractured visions film festival in the UK, and starting august 23rd, you can stream it on Netflix!!! so when it drops on there, i expect all of you to go watch it! support independent filmmakers!! especially if you’re a little b*tch like me and cannot watch films like Midsommar!
My Favorite Character:
Nicole Brydon Bloom as Sarah - we love a good protagonist moment. i’m not gonna lie, if i was in this cult, and i was trying to induct Sarah, i would 100% be convinced that we brainwashed her. her performance was really good, and her character had some SERIOUS willpower.
This movie is unrated, but would mostly likely be rated R. Here’s why:
Violence and Gore
Frightening and Intense Scenes/Themes
Something I DID NOT LIKE: BRU. i’m sorry for the spoilers, but if you put a fat cat in a horror movie, i will pray that it gets out alive. BUT IT WAS LITERALLY THE FIRST DEATH OF THE MOVIE. MA’AM. We are going to have some WORDS. Do NOT kill the cute animals!! i do not accept his (or hers) death.
Where to Watch:
^^PREMIERES On Netflix August 23rd^^