Captain America: The Trilogy
By Sophia Fineza
maybe this is kinda strange, but this is probably my favorite solo avenger movie. i LOVE captain america. i love his origin story, and i also really like red skull as a that weird? i like how even though it’s just an origin story, the plot of the movie keeps you enthralled the whole time. the whole idea of super soldier serum is really intriguing, with a big part of it being that it amplifies your character traits. steve becomes the golden boy, schmidt becomes….whatever the hell red skull even is. a lot of people just kind of brush first avenger off, thinking it’s just a purely expositional movie, but this really isn’t the case. something that i feel like should be talked about more is the fact that steve was literally used as an AD when he probably could have won the war by the time half of those war bonds were sold. this part of his character, the way he was kind of tossed aside and not taken seriously, eventually becomes a big issue for his character, because he knows that he could be out there saving lives, but yet he is only used as a commercial and not to his full potential. i really think this movie should have gotten more attention. yes, the plot isn’t as ~deep~ as the other captain america movies, but it doesn’t have to be. it stands perfectly well, even without winter soldier and civil war holding it up.
This movie is rated PG-13. Here’s why:
Intense Sequences of Sci-fi Violence and Action
My Favorite Scene: when Steve comes out of the Vita-Ray machine after his transformation! i am not exaggerating when i tell you that every single time i watch this scene, i audibly gasp. Chris Evans, dude. he’s freaking perfect. also, that little *boop* on Steve’s chest that Peggy does when he comes out of the machine is priceless.
My Favorite Quote: “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.”
Fun Fact: chris evans legit didn’t even have to audition for good ol’ shmaptain shmerica. the filmmakers wanted him for the part so badly, that even though he turned down the role THREE times, he didn’t have to audition.
Where to Watch:
Sling TV
YouTube, iTunes, Google Play Store, Amazon Prime, Vudu for rent or purchase
this movie is absolutely INSANE. every single one of the action scenes are SO fun to watch. i also love the development of the friendship between steve and natasha, as they were two of my favorite characters throughout the entirety of the MCU. they had a lot of great scenes, even though i did NOT appreciate their “sexual tension”. (ok, just cause they’re friends doesn’t mean they have to be into each other???) this movie also gave us sam wilson, who is probably the most relatable guy throughout the entire movie, maybe even the mcu. he goes through the whole movie with no powers, a really cool set of wings, and a sassy attitude. the character development is also really interesting, as we begin to see how conflicted steve really is. when he fought in wwii, the enemy was obvious, right in front of him, but now he’s not quite sure who the bad guy is anymore. this theme is really important throughout the whole movie, and we see echoes of it come up again in civil war. the winter soldier is probably the most popular captain america movie, and for a reason. it’s a really fun watch, and very hard to get tired of.
This movie is rated PG-13. Here’s why:
Intense Scenes of Violence, Gunplay, and Action
My Favorite Scene: i loooove the scene in steve’s apartment where fury gets shot. i mean, it sucks that fury got shot, but that scene is a literal masterpiece! also, fury’s song choice when he broke into the apartment? i see you.
My Favorite Quote: “Where did Captain America learn to steal a car?”
Fun Fact: chris evans and scarlett johansson wrote their own dialogue for some of the scenes they had together. why is this is most adorable thing ever?? #bestiesforeversies
Where to Watch:
YouTube, iTunes, Google Play Store, Amazon Prime, Vudu for rent or purchase
whenever someone mentions the term civil war, chris evans pulling a helicopter comes to mind, thanks to this movie. i really appreciate how it’s main message is that no one is really invincible with the introduction of the sokovia accords. making the heroes take accountability for their actions is something that you wouldn’t necessarily see in a superhero movie, which is really interesting, and makes the universe more realistic. it’s something i really appreciate about the mcu. they take you more behind the scenes with the heroes, and it’s in the more mellow scenes that the characters are really fleshed out and we get to see their true motivations and beliefs. in civil war, it’s shown that tony’s main concern is how the avengers are seen, and the public’s opinion on them, whereas steve’s concerns are more hero-y, with his main idea being that the accords and council won’t approve all the necessary missions. it’s an interesting debate, and gives you something to think about long after the movie is over. civil war gave us spidey, my (second) favorite avenger, ant-man, black panther, the whole gang. i love the airport scene (as any sane person should) as well the bucky/steve/t’challa chase scene. this movie is a show stopper, and is a lot deeper than a “let’s go save the world” flick. it’s a must watch for any marvel fan, and any superhero fan, for that matter.
This movie is rated PG-13. Here’s why:
Extended Scenes of Violence, Action, and Mayhem
My Favorite Scene: mega cliche, but that airport scene! so many good one-liners! all my favorite people in one place! it’s one of my favorite battle scenes of all time, and i will never ever ever get tired of it. no, don’t ask me if i’m on team iron man or team cap. i’m still conflicted about it, okay?
My Favorite Quote: “It’s your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”
Fun Fact: the scene where cap is pulling against the helicopter, trying to prevent it from taking off, is one of tom hiddleston’s favorite mcu moments. mans actually said “I mean Chris Evans does a bicep curl, with a helicopter! If you don’t love that, we can’t be friends.” king isn’t even in the movie, but i love him for saying that.
Where to Watch:
YouTube, Google Play Store, iTunes, Amazon Prime, Vudu for rent or purchase
My Favorite Characters:
Chris Evans as Steve Rogers - not to be obvious or anything but i mean...come on. not only is cap my favorite avenger (please don’t bully me), but he’s just a great guy. his character arc throughout all of his movies?? absolutely!! i love how it proves that every “good guy” doesn’t always have to always be good. it doesn’t hurt that he’s REALLY easy on the eyes as well lol
Sebastian Stan as James “Bucky” Barnes - if you don’t love bucky, there might be something wrong. i love his dark side, and how even through all the ~mind control~ he can still recognize steve. even though he doesn’t talk too much, he has some pretty good lines, and i really appreciate his character development. also i’m a literal simp for WW2 bucky
Image Sources: IMDb