Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
By Sophia Fineza
Source: IMDb
Logline: Dr. Stephen Strange casts a forbidden spell that opens the doorway to the multiverse, including alternate versions of himself, whose threat to humanity is too great for the combined forces of Strange, Wong, and Wanda Maximoff.
Source: IMDb
it’s hard for me to talk about this movie. there, i said it. doctor strange in the multiverse of madness was a departure from what i understood about marvel, especially under the direction of one sam raimi. i’m not going to pretend that i’ve seen any of raimi’s other movies, although they are on my watch list. i don’t understand his directorial style yet and i can’t say i like it all that much. but what i do know is that this movie was wholly a sam raimi production, not a marvel movie. the directorial badge i gave MoM is out of respect for the director and his return to blockbuster films. i know he is an accomplished director, and although his style is not for everyone, i believe that MoM is an incredible directorial feat, and i know many are glad to see raimi back in the spotlight. i look forward to watching more of his movies and getting adjusted to his directorial style! alright, now that we’ve addressed that, let’s talk about the characters. i am not a fan of america chavez. which i feel really bad about! i really really wanted to like her. i’m always glad to see more representation in the MCU, but i did not find her character interesting or worth rooting for at all. america just felt really flat, and although most of the plot points were centered around her and her powers, i feel like she barely contributed to the movie. as for the rest of the ladies in this movie, wanda and christine absolutely slayed. i especially love the fact that they gave christine a bigger role in this movie. her character had a lot of potential that they didn’t use in the first movie, so having a larger inclusion in the second movie was definitely a personal win. as for wanda, i’ll let you read my thoughts on her and her character down below. last and definitely not least is the titular character, doctor stephen strange. i genuinely like dr. strange, and i am always impressed by benedict cumberbatch. having him show his more emotional and vulnerable side in this movie was really cool, especially because he’s always portrayed as this overly sarcastic and hard character. “I love you in every universe” is the new “I love you 3000”, and it’s nice to see the sassy magician being a little heartfelt once in a while, with both christine and america. MoM was a very meh movie for me. it wasn’t great, but it wasn’t terrible. it’s very much required reading for phase 5, and it gives off the same vibe as the essay you half-assed so you could pass the class.
my favorite characters:
Elizabeth Olson as Wanda Maximoff - MCU phase 4 was the time for girlbosses, and MoM is no exception. mother (literally and figuratively) wanda was upset and absolutely delulu in this movie, and i was here for every second of it! as we get further in the MCU, wanda’s power is exponentially growing, and it’s been extremely entertaining to see her power develop along with her character. i think that out of all the characters in the franchise, she has the most traumatic character arc and has recently been presented as the ‘villian’, so i’m interested to see where her character goes next. olsen gave an amazing performance, as she always does, and i really applaud the casting directors. she puts her all into her motivations and actions as wanda, and as we learn more about the character and watch her evolve from a literal teenager to a young mom, olson manages to navigate wanda’s complex storyline and emotional turmoil so brilliantly.
something i liked: the inclusion of the fantastic four and professor xavier was such a nice addition to the movie. although i cannot claim to know much about that part of marvel, i know their inclusion in the MCU is important to many die-hard comic book fans, and having them in this movie feels like the best place to properly introduce them into the franchise. i do hope we get a movie with them soon (and DEFINITELY not just because i looooved john krasinski in that suit, lol).
this movie is rated PG-13. here’s why:
Intense sequences of Violence and Action
Frightening Images
Mild Language
where to watch: