Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
By Sophia Fineza
Image Source: IMDb
logline: Harry Potter, Ron and Hermione return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their third year of study, where they delve into the mystery surrounding an escaped prisoner who poses a dangerous threat to the young wizard.
Source: IMDb
This is the movie that I will never EVER get tired of. It’s my favorite HP movie/book. The storyline, the introduction to the Marauders, time-turners, and Hogsmeade; Prisoner of Azkaban truly has it all. Two of the Marauders in one movie (they don’t claim Peter no they don’t). Uh, the introduction of TIME TRAVEL (insert hulk meme here) is incredible. I’ve always loved the idea of time travel and PoA is completely responsible. I wish there were more stories of time travel in the HP universe, but sadly, we’ve only got this. PoA has a good balance of telling the story and character development, which the HP movies can sometimes struggle with. Harry’s sassy side is really starting to come out in this movie, and I am here for it. Hermione is still a freaking icon and her genius is so OP she needs to literally travel in time in order to get all her sh*t done. Ron….is still struggling with life. The introduction to Sirius was amazing, and it’s so heartwarming to see Harry realize that he has someone else out there that really cares about him. The little talk that Sirius and Harry have after they leave the Shrieking Shack makes me tear up a little every time I watch. We deserve more Marauders content, if I’m being completely honest. I’d watch a spin-off about them in their school days, playing pranks on Snape and just foolin around. Prisoner of Azkaban is definitely one of the most popular Harry Potter movies, and for good reason. The story is solid, the characters are well developed, and the change in direction improved the movie as a whole, which paved the way for the rest of the Harry Potter Cinematic Universe.
My Favorite Characters:
David Thewlis as Remus Lupin - my favorite Marauder. icon stays freaking winning forever and ever. he’s incredibly smart, funny, and the fact that he’s a werewolf is so cool. do i even need to mention how amazing his wardrobe is? i will anyway. we love the matching jacket and pants look, and lupin is the king of it.
Emma Watson as Hermione Granger - she will remain my favorite female character until the end of time. smart, funny, and complex, hermione is THAT b*tch. I LOVE HER. she’s an incredible role model, and emma watson’s portrayal of her only makes her more iconic.
This movie is rated PG. Here’s why:
Creature Violence
Mild Language
Frightening/Intense Moments
Fun Fact: during filming, all of the pockets on Tom Felton's robes were sewn shut to prevent him from sneaking food on-set. i’ve never related to anything more.
Where to Watch:
IMDb and Reddit Thread: