Star Wars: Episodes I, II, III
By Sophia and Ava Fineza
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
By Sophia Fineza
HAHAHAHAHAH. Where do I even start with this one? This movie was a trainwreck. The animation genuinely made me laugh so hard. Jar Jar Binks and Watto? TBH, the special effects and redone CGI from the reissued original trilogy were better. The prequels were known for how bad they are, but this is just a whole ‘nother level. One thing I did love about this movie was the one podracing scene, even though for some reason there was no music, which made it feel a lil bit awkward. In conclusion, this movie didn’t really add anything to my Star Wars universe experience(recurring theme?).
This movie is rated PG. Here’s why:
Sci-Fi action and violence
Something I liked: Uh. The shininess of the ships? And young Ewan McGregor?
Where to Watch:
Amazon Prime, YouTube, Google Play Store, iTunes, and Vudu for rent or purchase
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
By Ava Fineza
Control your emotions, young padawan. I don’t want to be the one to find you dead after someone kills you for trashing Episode I(no matter how ridiculous it was - some fans are deathly loyal). Besides, the prequel trilogy seems to pick up with the second installment, Attack of the Clones. This movie gives insight on the Jedi Council, as well as introduces how the Sith Lords amassed the great armies we see in the OG trilogy. I was happy to see how life in the SW universe carried on outside the war, and I enjoyed watching Obi-Wan and Anakin’s dynamic (..never thought I would see a car chase in a Star Wars movie). Personally, I thought some of the action scenes were a bit of a drag, and I don’t think the CGI was much to be sought after, but the movie did a good job of planting the seeds of Anakin’s descent into darkness as well as his possessiveness of Padmé. Overall, maybe Attack of the Clones doesn’t stand too well on it’s own, but the movie is a large improvement from Episode I that serves as a worthy installment of the prequels - though there wasn’t much of a standard, was there? (P.S. Also there’s romance? Like actual romance and not just “I kidnapped you but now there’s tension”? Haven’t seen this since the OG trilogy…anyways Obi-Wan and Anakin 5ever k bye!)
This movie is rated PG. Here’s why:
Sci-fi violence and some intense images
Something I liked: The scenes in Naboo were very pretty, and it was relaxing to see Anakin and Padmé frolic around the beautiful meadows. It felt like a nice break between all of the action…. yes I know Star Wars is an action movie, just let me have this.
Where to Watch:
Amazon Prime, YouTube, Google Play Store, iTunes, or Vudu for rent or purchase
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
By Sophia Fineza
FINALLY, an okay prequel movie! So, even though it wasn’t amazing, it did give us iconic lines such as “I HAVE THE HIGHER GROUND” and “This is where the fun begins”. Who is Padme’s costume designer? I want to throw money at them and make them redo my entire wardrobe. Her fits the entire movie went sooooo hard, so MAJOR props for that. There was also some quality character development in this movie, and (some of) the actors did an amazing job with their characters. Was this movie cringy as hell? You betcha!! But, it’s the best out of the three, so there’s that. Never forget that Obi-Wan had the higher ground.
This movie is rated PG-13. Here’s why:
Sci-fi violence and some intense images
Something I liked: Really specific detail here, but Mace Windu’s lightsaber??? Hello?? It was so cool! Why aren’t there more purple lightsabers in the SW universe?
Where to Watch:
Amazon Prime, YouTube, Google Play Store, iTunes, and Vudu for rent or purchase
Our Favorite Character:
Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi - So Wholesome :) How could you not love him? He had amazing character development throughout the whole trilogy, and was a complete master of lightsaber gymnastics. Throughout the whole thing, he remained constant as a #niceguy and bada*s Jedi Master.