Emily in Paris
By Sophia Fineza
Image Source: IMDb
logline: A young American woman from the Midwest is hired by a marketing firm in Paris to provide them with an American perspective on things.
Source: IMDb
i didn’t even know this was possible, but this show made me NOT want to go to paris. keep in mind that i’ve been wanting to go to paris since i was a literal child, but as of now, i do not want to do ANYTHING that could remind me of emily in paris. this show is so ridiculously stupid. the show also makes me sad because it makes it seem like every french person is a. an asshole or b. kinda pervy. literally the only genuinely good and nice person that is completely french is camille?? why is that?? speaking of camille, this show does not deserve her. she was always kind to everyone, and yet she STILL gets treated badly by gabriel and emily? this made me very very unhappy. it wasn’t even the french characters that sucked. emily, despite being the protagonist of the show, was insufferable, stuck up, arrogant, and literally every single time she opened her mouth i wanted to SLAP HER. GOD, she was so so so annoying. i also really hate how the show normalizes CHEATING. like, ma’am, cheating is BAD and you should NOT DO IT. ever. i just don’t understand the point of adding it into the show. it’s a classic case of “you don’t sound edgy, you just sound stupid.” also also also!! possible spoilers coming up. at one point in the show, emily hooks up with a 17!!! year old. and then it’s brushed off like it’s NOTHING! what is going on??? none of the writing in this show made any sense, and for fans of the show……i’m confused?? just- why? i’m pretty sure the only upside to this show was how pretty it was - castwise and setting wise. paris is a a very beautiful city, and i really appreciate how they didn’t tourist trap and only show, like, the eiffel tower and the louvre. also, the episodes are only 20 minutes long, which is a nice change from every other show that have 45+ min episodes. emily in paris has only given me so many questions, and it was really just one of those shows that you watch because it’s so stupid you have to finish it.
My Favorite Characters:
i’m not going to lie, nobody in this show deserves this, but:
Lucas Bravo as Gabriel - i am ONLY giving him this because he’s hot. he’s…..not a good guy! like, at all! he was really about to move away to normandy, made the decision without consulting his girlfriend, and then told her only one week in advance. also, he flirted with emily multiple times throughout the series, even AFTER she became friends with camille. actually, now that i think about it……..
Camille Razat as Camille - the ACTUAL best character. camille was a genuinely good friend and person, who was backstabbed by emily and gabriel multiple times. girl did NOT deserve that at all and i feel terrible for her. i think she’s probably the most “true to life” character that is on the whole show, because she’s the only one that acts like a real person, and not a total robot.
This show is rated TV-MA. Here’s why:
Sexual Content
Alcohol and Drug Use
Something I liked: the men. anyone who knows me knows that i have a complete and total weakness for french boys, and this show is of course no exception. gabriel was SO FIIIINE. another really hot guy was the guy that emily walked with after mindy’s party. i’m lowkey sad that she didn’t hook up with him :( also timothée…….ooh, yes. we truly love to see it.
Where to Watch (god, if you’re willing to submit yourself to torture):
Number Of Seasons: 1