I May Destroy You
I May Destroy You deals with many heavy topics, all of which can trigger PTSD. please keep this in mind before you give this review a read. thank you!
By Sophia Fineza
Image Source: IMDb
logline: The question of sexual consent in contemporary life and how, in the new landscape of dating and relationships, we make the distinction between liberation and exploitation.
Source: IMDb
Probably one of the most powerful shows I’ve ever seen. I May Destroy You tackles sexual assault and r*pe in a completely new and modern way, which is vital in today’s world. It gives us a new perspective of the victim, and how sexual assault can truly turn someone’s life upside down. Every episode is intricately crafted like an orchestra, with every little detail crucial to the storyline. I loved how in some scenes, the colors and brightness of the lighting would reflect the character’s feelings and emotions. The actors in this series were absolutely amazing. They are perfectly fit for their roles, and I loved watching their growth as the series went on. To see Arabella go through these stages and emotions after her assault was incredibly moving and almost brought me to tears several times. Good LORD. Michaela Coel…..her mind is so powerful. The fact that she created, wrote, and starred in this show is so amazing. For those of you who don’t know, the series is based on her real-life experiences, and to create such a moving and honest show is incredible. This show is a must-watch, and I HIGHLY recommend you watch it right now.
My Favorite Characters:
Weruche Opia as Terry - we all need a friend like Terry. i loved how she was always a support system for Bella, even when she was being crazy. their friendship was one of the best parts of the show, and that’s saying a whole lot. everyone, try and get a friend like Terry. Your birth is my birth, your death is my death.
Paapa Essiedu as Kwame - the sweetest ever. He was incredibly underrated throughout the entire season, which makes me kinda mad. As his character grew, I had so much respect for him and what he went through. Watching him silently suffer made me very very sad, but it was amazingly portrayed by Paapa Essiedu.
This show is rated TV-MA. Here’s why:
Sexual Content and Nudity
Violence and Gore
Alcohol and Drug Use
Frightening and Intense Scenes
Sexual Violence
Something I liked: The second to last episode, Ego Death, was amazing. SPOILERS, in case you haven’t seen it! I loved the whole Groundhog Day concept it had, and I thought all of the different situations that Arabella went through were amazing. I loved how realistic it was to show how after someone goes through trauma, many different situations can play through their head. I also thought this episode was incredibly beautiful, the aesthetics and visuals were astounding. This was definitely the best episode, hands down.
Where to Watch:
Number of Seasons: 1