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Normal People

By Sophia Fineza

Source: IMDb

logline: Follows Marianne and Connell, from different backgrounds but the same small town in Ireland, as they weave in and out of each other’s romantic lives.

Source: IMDb

this show and book mean so so much to me. i have to admit that i’m a little nervous to write this review because it’s actually hard for me to put how i feel about this story and show into writing. i’ve watched it several times over now, and every time it absolutely breaks me. first of all, i want to talk about the incredible writing. sally rooney’s work was beautifully adapted by alice birch and mark o’rowe, and rooney collaborated with the two writers to ensure that the story was being told in the way she had originally written it. i think having the original author be a part of the writing process when a novel is turned into a show or movie is vital nowadays. it’s so difficult to get the exact nuances of characters down without having their creator working alongside you, and having rooney on the project made sure  that the writing had a strong execution, especially because of how character based the story is. the emotional pull and how intensely real the lives of the characters are is not something that is easily portrayed, but the novel was absolutely done justice in this adaptation. one thing i really love about normal people is how the storyline is broken up, with time jumps and skipping over the parts of their lives where they are not in contact or within each others lives. i like to think it’s because they consider those parts of their lives not relevant without each other :p another thing i adore about normal people is the insanely beautiful dialogue. it’s so fucking quotable. if anyone is unsure what to write in a card to their s/o or what to caption your hard launch, all you gotta do is choose a random episode of normal people and you’ll find something. the things that marianne and connell say to each other or about each other are some of the most genuinely honest statements about romantic and platonic love that i’ve ever heard/read. the last thing i wanna talk about is the chemistry between daisy and paul. you would think they are actually in love from the amount of chemistry and understanding between them. even outside of the show, when they talk about each other in interviews for other projects, you can tell that the two actors have such a respect and appreciation for each other. i really think they were perfectly cast in their respective roles, and i don’t think i could see anyone else playing marianne and connell. heartbreakingly beautiful and complex, normal people is the pinnacle of the modern day romance story.

my favorite characters:

  • Daisy Edgar Jones as Marianne - i am her and she is me. it’s mildly concerning how much i relate to marianne’s way of thinking. i can’t say that i’ve had the exact same life or experiences as her, but the way she sees the world and the people that are in her life are something that i’ve never seen reflected in anyone that i’ve ever actually met. this rings especially true for her views on love and her relationship with connell. the navigation of her different relationships and the mental vulnerability she shows resonated with me on a very personal level.

this show is rated TV-MA. here’s why:

  • Sexual Content and Nudity

  • Profanity

  • Mild Violence

  • Alcohol and Smoking

  • Mature Themes and Content

something i liked: every location they shot at is absolutely stunning. i genuinely want to go to every single place they shot in, and maybe that’s just because i’ve never been to europe, but when you watch the show, the sights will honestly take your breath away. especially that damned italian villa and little town that they bike through like oh my godddd. apparently you can rent that villa. anyone want to tag along?

number of seasons: 1 (there will never be a season 2 and that devastates me)

where to watch: