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By Ava Fineza

Image via IMDb

logline: In New Jersey, Ramy, son of Egyptian migrants, begins a spiritual journey, divided between his Muslim community, God, and his friends who see endless possibilities.

Source: IMDb

I just finished the season two finale and I am shocked, speechless, everything right now. It feels like Ramy often evokes these feelings in me. Ramy is a rollercoaster of emotions, and I don’t think I’ve ever cringed harder watching a show than at all of the messes he and his family get into. This isn’t something that makes the series bad - I really enjoyed this show (the first season more so than the second, in which I just cringed. A lot). It’s hilarious and insightful with a cast of characters who work with and against each other so well. Whether you’ve experienced the same things he has or have shared a similar life, Ramy’s story is one that will leave you shocked to the core (see season one ep 4, season two ep 8, basically all of them). The show is also hilarious and hilariously awkward - which is guaranteed with these characters, flawed as they are. These flaws make some of the things that I like most about this show;  Ramy, family, and friends prove not everyone can change overnight, and your bad habits are harder to overcome than you think. Ramy messes up a lot in the series as he deals with his love life, his connection to Allah, and as he struggles to balance his traditional Muslim lifestyle with a more Western one his friends pursue. He doesn’t get everything right (in fact he gets a lot wrong) but you root for Ramy as he tries to better himself and consider trying to better yourself as well. If not for yourself, maybe out of reflex from seeing him screw up all the time. Ramy is an emotional, spiritual journey with an extremely talented cast led by the legend Ramy Youssef himself - who wrote, directed, and starred in it. The series is eye-opening and provides a comedic new perspective on life as a millennial Muslim, and it is imperative that you watch it ASAP. It’s halal.

Fun Fact: well, for once I couldn’t actually find a fun fact. Wtf? In my extensive research, however, I found some interesting criticism that I thought I could share. I think I will start doing this from time to time in the future.

What Ramy Gets Wrong About Muslim Women, from The Atlantic

Remember to take everything with a grain of salt - even criticism!

My Favorite Characters:

Amr Waked as Farouk Hassan - Farouk is a goat. His solo episode in season two is one of, if not my favorite episode in the series. Waked plays him wonderfully and his story is tragic and touching, and he plays soccer which is always a win. Farouk is a dedicated father who would do anything for his family, and despite his slightly outdated views on gender roles and marriage, I can respect him.

May Calamawy as Dena Hassan - Probably the best in the family, Dena goes on her own journey in the two episodes she stars in in Ramy. Is it bad that I like her way more than Ramy, and think that maybe she should just take over next season? Dena is smart in both school and political climate, and she garners more love from me as she battles for more freedom in season one and her religion in season two. I really liked her in the first two seasons, and I’m excited to see more of her in the future!

Rated TV-MA for sex & nudity, strong language, and some alcohol & drug use.

Number of Seasons: 2, renewed for a third

Where to Watch:

IMDb and Reddit linksss

a Ramy soundtrack I found on youtube, cause I love the music from this show soooo much

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