Star Wars: The Clone Wars
By Liam Wright - Guest Contributor
As a huge Star Wars fan, I know when I'm watching a well made Star Wars story. Star Wars: The Clone Wars is basically the highest quality of Star Wars storytelling that you can find. It is definitely not just some kiddie cartoon. I consider it to be close to, if not just as good as the Original Trilogy. The Clone Wars tells the story of the war between the Galactic Republic (Clone Troopers) and the Separatist Alliance (Battle Droids) and it is very unique in that it tells many stories across its 7 seasons and 131 episodes. The beginning seasons are a little tough to get through but you will be heavily rewarded once season 3 and 4 start rolling around. It is an anthology series that tells the shorter narratives in story arcs (3-4 episodes each). There are certain arcs of the show which fall flat, however the majority of the show is engaging and usually unique. The show really excels in a few distinct places, such as character development and world building. The world building of The Clone Wars has been invaluable to the Star Wars universe as a whole. The new worlds and species introduced and expanded upon really display a much larger galaxy than what's been shown (or is possible to show) in the movies. The clone army, introduced in Attack of the Clones, was just as uninteresting as their enemy: the droid army. Two CGI armies fighting huge CGI battles with absolutely zero stakes in a movie with a poorly executed plot is hard to enjoy. However, the creators of The Clone Wars took a different approach, giving many clones individual names and personalities. They have realistic struggles as they grapple with being pawns in a war which means nothing to them. However, without the war, they wouldn't exist. It is a fascinating dynamic which the individual clones have differing opinions and conflicts about. This is just one example of the many interesting story lines shown throughout the seven seasons. Character development is another huge part of what makes the show so fantastic. Instead of having Anakin be a whiny weirdo who turns to the dark side in ten minutes, The Clone Wars gives us a much improved character. As another reviewer said perfectly “Anakin is a likable hero with realistic flaws”, but we see foreshadowing of his dark future. Ahsoka Tano is a Clone Wars character who has quickly become a fan favorite. As Anakin Skywalker's padawan, she sees a lot of action throughout the show. The payoff of the Ahsoka vs Darth Maul in their Season 7 fight feels so earned because we've been shown the progression not just Ahsoka, but also Darth Maul. After being chopped in half and left for dead by Obi-Wan in The Phantom Menace, Maul returns as a terrifying yet totally relatable villain in the later seasons of the show. He's been left by his master Darth Sidious and wants nothing but revenge on Obi-Wan. (spoilers coming up) Maul forming a crime syndicate to take over Mandalore, Obi Wan becoming an undercover bounty hunter to track Jedi killers, and Ahsoka and Rex trying to escape when Order 66 is issued and the clones are hunting them down are just a few of the many great story lines you’ll get across the seven seasons. Trust me, you're going to thank me when you've watched every episode. So if you're interested in Star Wars, try out The Clone Wars. May the Force be with You :)
logline: Star Wars: The Clone Wars is an animated series that bridges the gap between Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (Episode II) and Revenge of the Sith (Episode III). It features well known characters such as Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and Chancellor Palpatine, meanwhile introducing new characters such as Ahsoka Tano, Captain Rex, and Asajj Ventress.
My Favorite Characters:
Ahsoka Tano - Anakin Skywalker's padawan was first introduced in the Clone Wars movie. In the series, we see Ahsoka grow from a headstrong padawan learner, who is a little snarky and too confident, to a capable and wise Jedi who can easily fend for herself.
Captain Rex - another character introduced in the Clone Wars movie. Rex is the clone captain of Anakin's Clone Trooper legion. Although he's just a clone, Rex is extremely independent and an adaptive soldier.
Asajj Ventress - along with Ahsoka and Rex, Asajj is an animated exclusive character and has never appeared in the live action SW movies. She echos Ahsoka's journey, although she's a Sith apprentice instead of a Jedi padawan. After being betrayed by her master, Ventress continues to act as a compelling character.
Interesting Fact: The final three episodes of The Clone Wars are ranked on IMBb in their Top 10 Best TV Episodes of All Time. The series as a whole has a rating of 8.2/10.
Rated TV-PG
Where to Watch: Disney+
Number of Seasons: 7