The Umbrella Academy - S2
By Ava and Sophia Fineza
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our thoughts on the first three episodes!
episodes 4-6! don’t mind the odd thumbnail…
last video, last four episodes! enjoy :)
umm, who are these guys?
Source: Netflix
spoilers in this video! beware!
logline: after using Five’s abilities to escape the apocalypse in 2019, The Umbrella Academy find themselves scattered through space and time in Dallas, Texas in the early 1960s. landing last, Five must find a way to reunite with his siblings, stop another impending doomsday, and return to the present timeline to stop that other apocalypse.
The Umbrella Academy returns in season two! Another apocalypse! Romance galore! And of course, the characters you know and love. The action and plot in S2 take a few episodes to pick up, but does pay off as every single fight sequence is absolutely showstopping. Additionally, where S1 explored the relationships within the family, S2 takes the opportunity to explore the characters and how they interact with others outside of the family, introducing us to a plethora of new relationships. Even though this season was really based more around character development, it was really fun to see everyone grow. We got to explore Diego’s (and possibly Allison’s?) hero complex, Vanya’s romantic side and her relationship, and Five actually showing real, human, unsolicited emotion for once. We loved seeing some of the Hargreeves children get a chance to connect with people outside of the family and experience some personal growth and happiness (except for Luther, who was kind of depressed all season lol). And even if some of the relationships don’t last, watching these interactions was a joy. S2 has a younger Sir Reginald Hargreeves and introduces us to some very likable new characters who assist The Umbrella Academy in their efforts. Additionally, other subplots are introduced, such as Vanya and the family she finds herself a part of, Allison and her fight in the Civil Rights Movement, and Diego’s new love interest. But these new storylines have allowed the actors to really get emotional and raw, and we receive wonderful performances that give us a more intimate look at each of the Academy’s lives. There are still some constants you can rely on from the first season - Five is still a bit psycho and yells at his siblings a lot, Klaus and Ben still fight like little kids, and Allison still doesn’t like using her powers. Another thing that definitely hasn’t changed is the bingeability of the show. TUA S2 is absolutely wild, chock-full or plot twists and that juicy character development, and we’re positive you will not be disappointed by this second installment.
Our Favorite Characters:
Aidan Gallagher as Number Five (sophia’s favorite) - bada*s! i love love LOVE 5. he’s so sassy, and he steers the overall story of trying to prevent another apocalypse through the many subplots previously mentioned. he looks like a cute guy you’d see on the street, except he’d definitely kill you. although he has a tough exterior, you can tell that he cares for his family and that makes me go :,)
David Castaneda as Diego Hargreeves (ava’s favorite) - Diego’s like a more fun Batman, but without that Bruce Wayne money. I love watching his banter with Klaus and his arguments with Luther, and I feel like in season two we get to see more into his life, his relationship problems, and his insecurities. Diego definitely has a hero complex and serious daddy issues (as does everyone else), and it’s both hilarious and endearing to see him try to keep a strong facade for those close to him.
Robert Sheehan as Klaus Hargreeves - Yet again Klaus makes it on our list of favorite characters, and yet again he is ever deserving. Klaus is wonderfully nihilistic and even in his lowest moments he can pull a joke and make someone laugh. It’s clear that everyone in the fandom just wants him to be happy, and we will all be destroyed if the series ends with him anything less than ecstatic. He spends most of this season sober, and we get to see him utilizing his powers in awesome ways. Watching his back and forth with Ben was great this season, as always. :) We love u Klaus <3
Something sophia liked: the music in this series is honestly ELITE. this season has iconic soundtrack choices. i don’t wanna give anything away, but trust me when i say that they are too good for this world.
This show is rated TV-14. Here’s why:
Violence and Gore
Sexual References
Alcohol and Drug Use
Frightening and Intense Scenes
Where to Watch:
IMDb and Reddit Thread (S1):