The Boys
By Ava Fineza
The Boys is a wild ride from start to finish. It’s edgy, very funny, and super gory. It was interesting to see what a world would be like if terrible people had tons of power(not to be confused with our world now), and I loved to see these high and mighty supers act like regular people. Well, terrible regular people but y’know. I also really enjoyed the Boys because of how it tackled issues that are relevant in today’s world, from sexual harassment in the workplace to full-on tyranny. If there’s something I really appreciate in fantastical shows with outrageous and abnormal concepts it’s the ability to still make them relatable to today, and I think The Boys did a very good job at that. Lastly, I thought the ratio between the humorous and dark parts of the show was perfectly balanced, and I believe the show’s fight scenes never took too much time away from the plot. The dark humor, timeliness and the thrilling action scenes come together to make The Boys an exciting and fresh series.
logline: In a world where super-powered people are praised and monetized, it is a well kept secret that most are corrupt. A group of vigilantes - called The Boys - come together to take down the superhero company Vought and their top “heroes,” The Seven.
Fun Fact: The Boys is an adaptation of the comic book with the same name, which was created by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson.
My Favorite Characters:
Karl Urban as Billy Butcher - Butcher is angsty, sassy, foul-mouthed and his one-liners really make this show. To name a few:
“I just had to pop down to the shop … I was running a bit low on mind your own f*cking business.”
“I’ve got your phone linked to my Find Your Sh*thead Friends app. Now where the f*ck are you?”
And my favorite, “F*ckin’ diabolical.”
Tomer Kapon as Frenchie - Could definitely murder you a hundred different ways(see episode 2) but underneath the tough skin he’s just a big softie. Love his relationship(?) with the Female - more below.
Karen Fukuhara as the Female aka Kimiko - So. Cool. And very scary. But you get a look into her Tragic Backstory and you can see that her relationship with Frenchie is bringing out new parts of her that were locked away. I’m really excited to see where they take her character and her relationship with Frenchie in the next season :))))
Where to Watch: Amazon Prime Subscription
Number of Seasons: 1, second season coming July 2020
Rating: TV-MA for sexual content, violence & gore, strong language, alcohol, drugs and smoking, and frightening & intense scenes.