Jack Stauber
By Ava Fineza
For someone who loves fun songs paired with jazzy life lessons and hidden messages that aren’t so hidden, turn to Jack Stauber’s creations on youtube. It may sound like a pretty niche category (okay it sorta is), but really anyone can enjoy his videos. Jack Stauber specializes in short videos, some animated, some stop motion, some live action, but a constant in these is the absurdity of said videos. Whether it’s about a man “taking tooth” as a payment option or eating wishing apples, or even just the visuals, something about Stauber’s videos give a nostalgic or discomforting sensation - it’s really a toss-up between the two. Part of the culture of watching Jack is analyzing his videos for underlying messages - look at any video and you’ll find a thread of commenters trying to figure out exactly what you just watched. One of my favorites of this strain is “Cooking with Abigail” - the music, the characters, there is just so much for the viewer to take in and people watching are really able to theorize however they’d like. Sometimes there’s a moment or two of wholesomeness, which can be found in the “Trent the Baby” videos and “hot dogs,” some of my favorites. These lighter videos help to balance out the jarring, slightly scary aspects of some of his other works. The whole community of Jack Stauber is very insightful, and I really enjoy how Monsieur Stauber conveys his stories quickly, while still leaving much to interpret. His videos and songs have been used so much in Tik Tok and social media and I think it’s time that more people start getting into his content, he deserves the love.
love this one
this song hits so hard at midnight or daytime or anytime
creepy af
a bit more wholesome