Sonoya Mizuno
By Sophia Fineza
Image Source: FilmSlash
You might be saying “who”?, but I guarantee, you’ve seen her in more than you think. Mizuno’s larger roles to date include Kyoko in Ex Machina and Lily Chan in Devs. Betcha didn’t know she was also in La La Land (one of Emma Stone’s roomies), Crazy Rich Asians (Araminta Lee), and Annihilation (Med Student and Humanoid). She’s got a good collection of smaller roles, and she also was a lead character in a lesser known Netflix series, Maniac. I first started following her when I watched Maniac, but upon rewatches of La La Land and Beauty and the Beast (she was in that too!) I began to wonder, why she doesn’t get bigger roles? She’s really talented, and can play quite a large array of characters, from the bubbly Araminta to the actual robot Kyoko. She’s also a professional ballet dancer, which helped out a lot in her roles in movies like Ex Machina and High Strung. However, her career has been on a recent upturn, with her lead role in Devs. I really love Mizuno’s acting, and hope I see her in larger roles soon.
mizuno’s (and oscar isaac’s) dance skills :)